Referendum and Referenda
2024-2025 Referendum Question
In the SUO 2024/2025 General Election, to be held online on March 3rd-5th 2025, UBC Okanagan students will be asked to vote on the referendum question. The following question was brought forward to the Students’ Union, reviewed by the Chief Returning Officer, and approved by the Board of Directors.
“Student Union Building” levied capital fee, and new building operational fee referenda question (March 2025)
The question reads as follows:
Do you support the Student Union of UBC Okanagan (“SUO of UBC”) establishing a new capital fee (the “Capital Fee”) to be used to pay for the construction (including financing costs) of a new SUO Student Building (the “Building”), and a new operational fee (the “Operational Fee”) to cover associated operational and maintenance costs?
Construction is expected to begin in Spring 2028, with the project completed by 2030. The Building will be occupied by the SUO of UBC and used to provide informal learning, study, and club spaces, as well as other services for students. The total cost of constructing the Building is estimated to be $55.7 million, not including the cost of financing. UBC is expected to contribute an amount equal to 23% of the project cost, up to a limit of $12.875 million. The balance of the project costs will be covered by the Capital Fee and any amounts required for the project costs that exceed the amount of the Capital Fee already collected will be financed through a loan and the Capital Fee will be used to repay the loan and to pay any interest and other financing costs. The Operational Fee will cover the costs of operating and maintaining the Building to ensure its sustainability and functionality. Details of the amount, collection, and payment of the Capital Fee and the Operational Fee are as follows:
1. In the 2025/2026, 2026/2027, and 2027/2028 academic years students will pay a Capital Fee of $75.00 for each of Terms 1 and 2 of the Winter Session (for a total of $150.00 per academic year) and $37.50 for each of Terms 1 and 2 of the Summer Session (for a total of $75.00 per Summer Session).
2. Beginning in the 2028/2029 academic year, students will pay a Capital Fee of $100.00 for each of Terms 1 and 2 of the Winter Session (for a total of $200.00 per academic year) and $50.00 for each of Terms 1 and 2 of the Summer Session (for a total of $100.00 per Summer Session).
3. Beginning in the term during which the Building is opened, students will also pay an Operational Fee of $20.00 for each of Terms 1 and 2 of the Winter Session (for a total of $40.00 per academic year) and $10.00 per term during the Summer Session (for a total of $20.00 per Summer Session). The Building is anticipated to open in March 2030. The Operational Fee will be indexed annually to the BC Consumer Price Index (CPI).
The SUO of UBC Board of Directors will establish a process and criteria for SUO members demonstrating financial need to apply for a full or partial refund on the new Capital Fee and Operational Fee.
Students will pay the Capital Fee until the project costs, including any loan, interest, and other financing costs are fully repaid. Students will pay the Operational Fee until the Building is no longer leased to the SUO of UBC.
The design, construction, and financing of the Building is subject to approval by UBC’s Board of Governors and the Building project will require the negotiation of several agreements between UBC and the SUO of UBC. In the event the project does not proceed as scheduled for any reason, any fees already collected will be held with the SUO of UBC until the situation is resolved. In the event the UBC Board of Governors determines that the Building will not be built, the Capital Fee will cease to be collected and the Operational Fee will not be collected. In such event, the Board of Directors of the SUO of UBC may allocate any collected Capital Fees in such manner as may be approved by a future student referendum.
The SUO of UBC will pay administrative charges assessed by UBC from the Capital Fee and Operational Fee for managing the collection and remittance of the Capital Fee and Operational Fee.
Yes____ No_____
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the SUO Chief Returning Officer,