Student Association Handbook

SUO strives to enhance the student experience by effectively coordinating the collective resources of our student body.

The greatest resource our students have is their passion. The purpose of our student associations is to facilitate the discovery, pursuit, and sharing of those passions.

Important Information!

Rubric How To Presentation (including videos)

Term 2 Orientation Presentation Slides

Course Union Workshop 2025

***Please note that all services provided by Membership Outreach are on a first-come-first-served basis. Please be patient as we serve ALL student associations on campus.

Izzy & Kayla work Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm, not including statutory holidays and university closures.  We will respond to requests during this time.

Drop-in hours at the SUO office in UNC 133 for Membership Outreach are:

  • Kayla – 9:00am -11:00am
  • Izzy – 1:00pm – 3:00pm


What is a Course Union?
  • The purpose of a course union is to enhance the ability of students to discover, pursue, and share their passions in a particular academic field.
  • A Course Union may restrict membership to students in their particular academic field, or they may be open to all students.
  • Voting members and executive members are specific to undergraduates or graduates, who major or minor in the relevant subject of the course union.
    • Voting members: all students majoring or minoring within the specific academic field are automatically voting members of the relative course union.
    • Course Union executives: all students majoring or minoring within the specific academic field are eligible to run for executive positions in the annual elections.
  • Any student can be a general member and is welcome to attend course union meetings and events, however they cannot vote or run as a candidate if they are not a voting member.
  • Examples of Course Union activities are: socializing, tutoring programs, group midterm or finals study sessions, supplying specific course materials, and/or advocating for students in their academic field.
  • Many course unions will work in liaison with an academic advisor.
  • Every course union is required to have a Course Union Constitution.
  • We investigate complaints against any Student Association not responding to incoming students interested in a course union. It is the responsibility of the student association to keep up on emails and all inquiries.
    • It is expected that course unions provide a safe space for all of their students. Discrimination on the grounds of sex, gender, sexuality, place of origin, social status, disability or age will not be tolerated. Course Unions support the diversity of our campus and the fullness of a student’s university experience that is the privilege of all students on our campus.
What is a club?
  • The purpose of a club is to enhance the ability of students to discover, pursue, and share their passions and common interests outside of a particular academic field
  • Club membership is open to all students
    • We investigate complaints against any Student Association not responding to incoming students interested in a club. It is the responsibility of the student association to keep up on emails and all inquiries.
    • It is expected that clubs provide a safe space for all of their students. Discrimination on the grounds of sex, gender, sexuality, place of origin, social status, disability or age will not be tolerated. Clubs support the diversity of our campus and the fullness of a student’s university experience that is the privilege of all students on our campus.
  • The variety of types of clubs that exist is extremely diverse; from religious & ethnic clubs, to hobby & sport clubs, to clubs for social justice or affiliated with a particular political or national/international organization.
  • It is up to each club to organize their executive team year to year through an election process with the members or an internal process of the existing executives replacing vacant positions with members within the club.
  • The club must include at minimum the three primary executives listed above, who will work as a team to operate the club.
  • These 3 primary executives will also be the 3 signing authorities for processing expenses for the club finances.
General Definitions

In this Regulation, unless the context otherwise requires:
a. “Club” means any organization ratified by the Student Union in accordance with this
Regulation, except for a Course Union;
b. “Council” means the governing body of a Course Union;
c. “Course Union” means a Department-specific organization of Members, ratified by
the Student Union in accordance with this Regulation;
d. “President” means an Executive Officer and primary contact of a Student
e. “Vice-President Finance” means an Executive Officer responsible for the finances of the Student
f. “Vice-President Events” means an Executive Officer who is the main contact for event planning;
g. “Event” is any gathering of 2 members or more for the purpose of a meeting or social
gathering in relation to the purpose of the specific Student Association;
h. “Department” means any academic field available for study at the University;
i. “Executive Member” means any duty elected or appointed governing member of a
Club or Course Union;
j. “Member” means any student who is enrolled in a UBCO degree or program and/or
has paid the Students’ Union of UBC Okanagan student fee for the current academic
year; and
k. “Student Association, per Bylaw 1, shall mean clubs or, course unions groups ratified
by the Student Union.

Important things to know

Basics to operate
  1. ALL Student Associations are active each academic year from August 1 – July 31 unless you do not renew each year.
  2. RENEW your Student Association every year to retain active status between July 1 & the first Friday of Term 1.
  3. REGISTER 1-3 executives for the annual Orientation held every September and January! It’s mandatory to retain active status and apply for funding, no excuses accepted!
  4. DO NOT use the letters “UBC” or “UBCO” in an email address, student association name, logos, domain names or social media handles. Student Associations are part of the SUO that is a separate entity from UBC. The club or course union will have events and meetings on the campus but is not an entity within the university.
  5. FUNDING – Apply for SA Funding in Term 1 & Term 2 before the deadline, don’t miss it!
  6. GET pre-approval for all OFF-CAMPUS events!  Expense reimbursements for non-sanctioned events will NOT be processed!
  7. PROMOTE your Student Association event on the SUO Events Calendar!
  8. POSTER PRINTING for events (20 free posters printed per event) or we have on campus printing services at paper & supply co.
  9. BOOK UNC106 Theatre or UNC105 Boardroom here.
  10. MAKE sure all executives either have access to the Student Association email address and/or Rubric Club Portal.
  11. NOT knowing Student Association Regulations does not save your club or course union from being accountable!
  12. USE your Student Association email for all communication, room bookings and expense submissions with the Membership Outreach team.
  13. ON-CAMPUS EVENTS must be reported to and/or approved by the UBCO CORM Safe Planning Campus Event Form! Make sure you have the room booking confirmed before submitting the form.
  14. CHECK all the folders of the Student Association email address, including Junk and/or Spam folders.  You don’t want to miss out on important deadlines and funding opportunities!
  15. EVERY Student Association Executive must know and follow the STUDENT ASSOCIATIONS REGULATIONS! Stay current and watch for updates.


Important Contacts:

Membership Outreach Coordinator: Izzy Rusch,

Assistant to MOC: Kayla Schuster,

VP Internal: Rajat Arora,

Students’ Advocate: Rachel Fortin,

Rubric Support:

How to apply to become a ratified student association (the basics)

We are in the process of changing the process to register to be a new student association but it is not complete yet.  In the meantime, fill out this form and email applications to Student Association Registration Form

Any group of UBC Okanagan students can make a request to start a SUO Student Association.

Application Forms for new Student Associations will only be accepted August 1st to the 2nd Friday of October and January 1st to the 2nd Friday of February.

  • Do not use the letters “UBC” or “UBCO” in an email address, student association name, logos, domain names or social media handles. Student Associations are part of the SUO that is a separate entity from UBC. The club or course union will have events and meetings on the campus but is not an entity within the university.

Every new Student Association must be ratified at a SUO Board of Directors meeting. Being ratified as a SUO Student Association means that your group can access all resources that the SUO has available (we’ll get into what those are soon).

How do I become ratified?
  • Check our Student Association Directory and ensure a similar Student Association does not already exist.
  • Review the Student Association Handbook before submitting an application form to see what services are available.
  • Review the Student Associations Regulations by which the student association is bound to follow, go to the Student Union Regulations at the following link. Scroll down to the Table of Contents and click on the Student Association Regulations, it will take you directly to the pertinent pages. All executives and members of the student association are required to know and follow the rules and regulations. Please refer to these regularly, as they get updated as new regulations are ratified by the Board of Directors.
  • Next, fill out a Student Association Registration Form:
    • The first page must provide a Student Association name, the aims and purposes, a minimum of three executive members and a general student association email address. You can have more than three executive members; however, the minimum is 3 (President, VP Finance, VP Events).
    • Personal emails cannot be used for a Student Association.
    • Working with a faculty advisor is optional.
    • The second page is the names and signatures of the three signing authorities (President, VP Finance, 3rd executive of choosing). Your signing authorities will oversee and approve the spending of student association funds and must also be executive members. There must be no more or less than three signing authorities.
  • Create a student association portal on our Rubric online platform, complete the online registration form which includes uploading a pdf of the completed Student Association Registration Form.
    • Please note: You must use the same email address to create the online account that is listed on page one of the Student Association Registration Form.  There must be an email address specific to the club, It cannot be a personal email address or the application will be denied.
  • The potential executives and members may want to create personal student accounts on Rubric as well, using their personal email addresses.
    • If the student association is ratified, the executives will be able to access the SA portal from their personal account.

Once a Student Association Registration Form has been submitted via our online Rubric platform, the Membership Outreach team will create memberships on the Rubric club portal as required.  We will send an email to let you know when the memberships are created and your general members can join.  We will not submit the application to the VP Internal for processing until there is a minimum of 3 executives and 32 members who have joined and agreed to the Terms & Conditions.

Once the minimum membership has been reached, the application will be reviewed by the VP Internal and Membership Outreach Coordinator.  If we have questions, we will reach out via the Student Association email address specified on the form.  The executives named on the form may be invited to attend a meeting with the VP Internal or do a presentation to the SUO Board at a Board of Directors meeting.  The application may be denied if it is a duplicate of any existing Student Association, it does not have a clearly defined purpose or it cannot operate within the Student Union Regulations.

  • Student Association means any organization ratified by the Students’ Union in accordance with SUO Student Association Regulations and is open to all SUO members.
  • A club is a student association that is based on common general interests and open to all current student union members.
  • A Course Union is a Student Association that is Department or Faculty specific and open to members only specific to that Department or Faculty, ratified by the Students’ Union in accordance with SUO Student Association Regulations.  Any student is welcome to be a member of a course union, however voting members are undergraduates or graduates, who major or minor in the relevant subject of the course union. Course Unions must have Annual General Meetings and Annual Elections to vote in the Executive Board of the Course Union. There is usually a faculty advisor working in partnership with the course union.

For every Student Associations you will need:

  • Three executive members, President, Vice President Finance and Vice President Events (see definitions in the Student Association Regulations).
  • Three signing authorities (President, VP Finance and 3rd executive of the team’s choosing).
    • Your signing authorities are the executive members of your student association who oversee and approve the spending of your student associations funds. While you may have more than three executive members, you may only have three signing authorities and they must also be executive members. Based on Student Association Regulations, the President and Vice President Finance must be listed as signing authorities. We do not accept computer font or adobe signatures on page 2 of your registration form (your list of signing authorities). Signatures must be hand created and full signatures, initials only will not be accepted.
  • Thirty-two regular members, all executives and members must be students currently registered in classes, attending UBCO & paying student fees to the Student’s Union.
  • A general student association email address.
  • Course Union only – Write a constitution that outlines the mandate and operations of your course union. Here’s an example constitution.

Most importantly, Student Associations must be open to all current UBC Okanagan students (all undergraduate and graduate students at UBC Okanagan) and must not duplicate the function of a pre-existing group.

Contact the SUO VP Internal or Membership Outreach Coordinator if you have any further questions or concerns.

Check the student association email for updates. We will email this address to connect and ask questions. This is where you will get notice of your ratification status and whether the application is passed or denied.  If the application is approved and the student association is ratified by the SUO Board of Directors, the email will included information on how to get started. You will also be guided to submit a funding application in the Rubric club portal for up to $500.  You will have 10 days from the date of receiving the successful ratification email to submit the funding form.  If you miss the deadline, you will have to wait until the Term 1 or Term 2 funding periods to apply for funding.  If you miss the opportunity to apply for the new student association funding, you will only be eligible to apply for the maximum amount of $500 until you provide a Student Association End of Term Report providing information on past events and fiscal responsibility.

How to renew each & every academic year

We are in the process of changing the process to renew student associations but it is not complete yet.  In the meantime, fill out this form and email applications to                           Student Association Renewal Form

How do I stay ratified? All student associations must renew every academic year starting July 1 to the deadline of Friday of the first week of Term 1 in September.

Student associations are active each year until July 31. After August 1st, Student Associations do not have access to SUO student association services and support until they submit their Student Association Renewal Form and renewal is confirmed by the Membership Outreach Coordinator.

If the September renewal deadline is missed, Student Associations do not have access to SUO services and funding for the first Winter term. A Student Association which does not meet the first Winter term deadline may access student association services from the Students’ Union for the second Winter term if they submit their renewal form after the end of Term 1 and prior to the first Friday of the second Winter term as per the Student Association Regulations.

  • Do not use the letters “UBC” or “UBCO” in an email address, student association name, logos, domain names or social media handles.  Student Associations are part of the SUO that is a separate entity from UBC. The club or course union will have events and meetings on the campus but is not an entity within the university.
  • Signatures on the forms must be created by hand for the Membership Outreach Coordinator and Finance Manager to effectively track the signing authorities for processing expense reimbursements from the available funds specific to the student association. Signatures made by computer font or Adobe will not be accepted.
  • All information must be legible.


  • Fill out a Student Association Renewal Form:
    • The first page must provide a Student Association name, the aims and purposes, a minimum of three executive members and a general student association email address. You can have more than three executive members; however, the minimum is 3 (President, VP Finance, VP Events).
    • Personal emails cannot be used for a Student Association.
    • Working with a faculty advisor is optional.
    • The second page is the names and signatures of the three signing authorities (President, VP Finance, 3rd executive of choosing). Your signing authorities will oversee and approve the spending of student association funds and must also be executive members. There must be no more or less than three signing authorities.
  • Log into the club portal on our Rubric online platform using the primary student association email address.  Make sure you have access to the email inbox so you can reset the password if unknown. Complete the online renewal form which includes uploading a pdf of the completed Student Association Renewal Form.
    • Please note: You must use the primary student association email address, it cannot be a personal email address or the application will be not be processed.
  • The potential executives and members may want to create personal student accounts on Rubric as well, using their personal email addresses.
    • Once the student association is renewed, the executives will be able to access the SA portal from their personal account.

For every Student Associations you will need:

  • Three executive members, President, Vice President Finance and Vice President Events (see definitions in the Student Association Regulations).
  • Three signing authorities (President, VP Finance and 3rd executive of the team’s choosing if you have more than 3 executives).
    • Your signing authorities are the executive members of your student association who oversee and approve the spending of your student associations funds. While you may have more than three executive members, you may only have three signing authorities and they must also be executive members. Based on Student Association Regulations, the President and Vice President Finance must be listed as signing authorities. We do not accept computer font or adobe signatures on page 2 of your registration form (your list of signing authorities). Signatures must be hand created and full signatures, initials only will not be accepted.
  • Thirty-two regular members, all executives and members must be students currently registered in classes, attending UBCO & paying student fees to the Student’s Union.
  • A general student association email address.

Once a Student Association Renewal Form has been submitted via our online Rubric platform, the Membership Outreach team will create memberships on the Rubric club portal as required.  We will send an email to let you know when the memberships are created and your general members can join.  We will not process the application for renewal until there is a minimum of 3 executives and 32 members who have joined and agreed to the Terms & Conditions.

Once the minimum membership has been reached, the application will be reviewed by the Membership Outreach Coordinator.  If we have questions, we will reach out via the Student Association email address specified on the form.

Contact the SUO VP Internal or Membership Outreach Coordinator if you have any further questions or concerns.

Check the student association email for updates. We will email this address to connect and ask questions.

At any point during the year, if you have a change in executive or signing authority, contact the Membership Outreach Coordinator by email or during posted drop-in office hours.

Can ratification be lost?

  • Student Associations will be dissolved by the Board of Directors after remaining inactive for over 6 months
  • If members of the Student Association do something that violates the UBC Student Code of Conduct, such as but not limited to misconduct against persons, misconduct involving property, disruption, and unauthorized use of university facilities, equipment or services.
  • If a violation of the Student Associations Regulations occurs.
  • If a Student Association opens an external bank account or operate financially using external sources, including cash transactions and e-transfers.
  • If a Student Association opens an online account that deposits into an external account.


Student association regulations – know them so you don’t break them!

All student associations are bound to follow go to the Student Union Regulations.  Failure to follow the regulations could result in a student association being deactivated for the remainder of an academic year.  Serious infractions could result in the SUO Board of Directors permanently de-ratifying a student association.

To review the Student Associations Regulations

  • Click on the “How We Run” tab
  • Click on “Constitutions & Bylaws”
  • Click on “Regulations”
  • Scroll down to the Table of Contents
  • Click on “REGULATION VIII – Student Associations”

Please refer to these regularly, as they get updated as new regulations are ratified by the Board of Directors.

It is the responsibility of every executive of every student association to be aware of the rules and regulations you are required to follow. 

We do have regulations in place to protect the club functioning and spending.  If at any point, a member or members of the Student Association felt that the executives were not being fiscally responsible or knowingly breaking SUO regulations, the concerned party could reach out to the VP Internal or Membership Outreach Coordinator for help to look into the situation and help deal with any issues that could be occurring. Our goal is to support every student association to be successful in creating social events and a community that is crucial to student life on campus.

For course unions, if there is conflict between the course union constitution and the Student Association Regulations, the Student Association Regulations take precedence, see Regulation VIII.65.

Course union specific procedures

A course union is required to hold a monthly council meeting that is published 7 days prior to the meeting and is open to all members to attend. At least one executive must be in attendance at these meetings. The course union is required to hold a minimum of 5 meetings or events a term including the council meetings.

  • Every course union is required to have a Course Union Constitution which includes regulations including all the positions within the executive team who are responsible for operating the course union each year.
  • Course unions must have an AGM every Term 2 to report operations to their membership, see Student Association Regulations for the specific requirements.
  • These regulations and positions can only be changed year to year at the required course union AGM that all members are eligible to attend and vote on any constitution changes.
  • The course union must include at least a President, Vice President Finance and a Vice President Events who will work as a team to operate the student association.
    • “President” means the Executive Officer and primary contact of a Student Association
    • “Vice President Finance” means the Executive Officer responsible for the finances of the Student Association
    • “Vice President Events” means the Executive Officer who is the main contact for event planning
  • These 3 executives will also be the 3 signing authorities for processing expense reimbursements for the course union finances. If the course union constitution refers to other titled executives being the signing authorities, the SUO will follow the specific course unions constitution.
  • The constitution must be available to all members of the course union through a hyperlink, email or paper copy.
  • The executive team of a course union is created by an annual election held every Term 2 in liaison with the SUO and the Simply Voting online platform.
  • It is the responsibility of the current executive team to do a call out to all students majoring or minoring in the specific academic subject each year.
  • All students who are majoring or minoring within the subject are eligible to run for an executive position and vote in the election to be part of creating the executive team for the following academic year.

Course Unions have the opportunity to create and fund awards for students within the membership in partnership with the UBC Awards department.  A faculty advisor would be able to assist with the process.  It would be up to the course union executives to make sure that the funds are raised each year to sponsor these awards.

Course Union Workshop

Introducing the workshop specific to learning how to write and update constitutions, hold AGMs and have engaging elections in Term 2.

Student association directory


Create an interactive directory listing by adding any or all of the information below:

  • A write up about the purpose of your Student Association and what members can expect
  • A logo (276 pixels wide by 172 pixels high png with a transparent or colour-filled background)
  • Email
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Twitter
  • Discord
  • TikTok
  • LinkedIn
  • Website (if you have one)

Do not use the letters “UBC” or “UBCO” in an email address, student association name, logos, domain names or social media handles.  Student Associations are part of the SUO that is a separate entity from UBC. The club or course union will have events and meetings on the campus but is not an entity within the university.

Upload the information in the Rubric Club Portal, either under the Profile icon or in the “Link in Bio” tab.  Email Membership Outreach if you have any questions.

Course Unions

Check out our Directory of Course Unions on campus!  They are a great way to connect with and become involved fellow students who are working towards the same degree as you are.  Course Unions help you navigate the specific faculty or department, as well as hold exam study sessions or tutoring services to fellow students.  Events hosted by course unions are a great way to socialize with people who have the same common interests.  They are also a great source of information for conferences or competitions that you may want to attend or compete in.

Creating a Rubric club portal

Getting Started: How to Set Up Your Club Portal
  • To start using Rubric and all of the things it offers, you need to create a student association account.
  • Use the primary student association email address to create the account (the one you have registered with Membership Outreach), not your personal email!
  • Make sure that your campus is the University of British Columbia Okanagan SUO of UBC.
  • To make a member account, please use your personal email address that was listed on the Student Association Registration or Renewal Form.
  • DO NOT make a club portal account using your personal email address! 
    • We will not accept any forms submitted for a non-affiliated portal.
    • You cannot create events for ticket sales on a non-affiliated portal.
  • Please note: The entire executive team will also need to create student accounts using the personal email addresses.  You can create different roles and each role can have access to different aspects of the club portal. Everyone should have access to the forms.
  • Once a member is listed as an executive, they can access the club portal from their personal account under the profile icon.  This way, the team does not need to share the password for the club portal to get access to fill out forms or create events.
  • Rubric Clubs Help Centre
  • Student Help Centre
  • If you have issues that are not solved in the club or student help centre above, email


Do’s & dont’s of event planning

  • CHECK ACADEMIC ROOM AVAILABILITY BEFORE SUBMITTING A FORM. Rooms Are Booked On A First Come, First Serve Basis So Sometimes It Will Show That A Room Is Available Because A Request Has Not Been Processed Yet. We Will Email You If This Is The Case, So Book Early.
  • SUBMIT YOUR SAFE PLANNING CAMPUS EVENT PLAN to CORM (Campus Operations & Risk Management).
    • Every event must be submitted to CORM using this form!
    • Do not submit the form until you have the room booking confirmed for the specific date and time to include in the form.
    • If your event is a simple one, you just need to inform them by submitting the qualtrics form.
    • If the event is a larger event or involves risk, you will need approval for the event from the committee.
    • Make sure you plan your event with time to submit the form and get it approved.
    • Events that require approval will be canceled if confirmation of approval cannot be provided at least 48 hours before the event.
  • NEED EVENT SET UP – Complete the Event Facilities Department Set Up Request Form on Rubric.
    • Don’t forget to include a map or diagram of how to set up the room.
    • Make sure you submit it at least 21 days before your event!
    • This is important so facilities can schedule the work or it may not happen!
  • BE PATIENT AND RESPECTFUL – We have many requests to process and university procedures to follow
  • WHEN MAKING MULTIPLE ROOM BOOKINGS For The Same Day, You Can Specify The Multiple Rooms Wanted In The Enter a description for the indoor/outdoor space Of The Booking Form As Long As The Dates And Times Are Identical.
  • RECURRING BOOKING REQUESTS – Make sure your start date and end date are the first and last days of the recurring events.
    • If the event is weekly, the start date is the first date that you want the weekly sessions to start.
    • The end date is the last day that the sequence of events will happen.
    • We need to know if the sequence of events is for 6 weeks or 12 weeks by filling out an end date different than the start date.
  • NON-ACADEMIC SPACES such as foyers, outdoor spaces and the UNC 200 Ballroom availability are not viewable on any timetables on the UBC website.
    • Please submit booking requests in our system with your preferred request.
    • It would be helpful to include options for times and dates in case the space is not available for the time you prefer.
    • We will reach out with some options if we cannot book the space as requested.
  • GIVE CLEAR DETAILS so we can process the request quickly.
  • PUT ROOMS BACK THE WAY YOU FOUND THEM. The last thing we want is a professor finding a messy classroom the following morning before a lecture or midterm.
  • Submit A Form for Academic Spaces Before Checking Room Availability (UBC CWL authentication now required on-campus, or use UBC VPN)
  • Book The Following Rooms
  • Submit requests specific only to a building and not a room. Check availability and specify the specific rooms wanted on the form.
  • Book A Space Last Minute, we do our best but can’t make miracles happen
  • Forget to submit your Safe Planning Campus Event Form to CORM. Every event needs to submit a form either to inform or for approval.
  • Have an event in a private residence or home. Our insurance does not cover liability in these spaces.
  • Do not have an off-campus event without pre-approval. Expenses for unsanctioned SUO events will not be funded or processed.

Get approval for your on-campus event

All on campus events must be reported to Campus Operations by submitting a CORM Safe Planning Campus Event Form.

Campus Operations is a committee of different staff from a variety of departments within UBCO who are involved with many factors of events such as facilities, security, food services and custodial services. We, the staff of the SUO are not part of the committee, it is university based.

Forms must be submitted a minimum of 21 days before the event, however it can take up to 30 days or more if it is a larger event, has risks involved or includes alcohol. The volume of submissions at the beginning and end of terms can also affect the time it takes to get approval.

Do not submit the form until you have the room booking confirmed for the specific date and time.  CORM needs to know the exact room that the event will happen in.

If your event is a simple one, the application is a way to inform them of your plans.

If the event is a larger event or involves more details, you will need approval for the event from the committee.  Make sure you plan your event with time to submit the form and get it approved. The committee only meets once a week and due to the volume of events on campus, approval can take time especially at the beginning and end of each term.

Events that require approval will be canceled if confirmation of approval cannot be provided at least 48 hours before the event.

How to book academic space on campus!

Campus Classroom Bookings

For room booking requests (eg. club meeting in a classroom) please allow a minimum of 3-5 business days for a booking confirmation. During our busy times (September and January) allow 5-7 business days to process booking requests. Keep in mind that our office hours are Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm and we are closed during all university closures.

For larger events, make sure to request your booking well in advance; it can take at least two weeks for a safe event plan, or facilities work order to be processed by UBC! Booking confirmations are sent to the Student Association email as soon as we receive them from the Central Booking Office.

The Central Booking Office (CBO) provides an online timetable (UBC CWL authentication now required on-campus, or use UBC VPN) to show availability of academic spaces. Please confirm availability BEFORE you submit your On-campus event form and make sure that you include extra time for event set up and clean up in the availability.

Check out the different spaces available:

Step 1Verify room availability (UBC CWL authentication now required on-campus, or use UBC VPN)
How to use the timetable:

  1. Click on “Rooms”
  2. Select the room you would like to check for availability
  3. Select the “Week Range” (all weeks start with the Monday date)
  4. Select the day of the week your event/meeting will take place
  5. Select the “All Day” option to see the full schedule for the date selected
  6. Leave the default “Single (Basic) Timetable” option
  7. Click “View Timetable”

If you have an ad blocker installed on your computer, the timetable will not display (you will need to disable your ad blocker for the timetable website).

Step 2Complete Room Booking Request Form

PLEASE NOTE: times and locations of classes and events on the timetable can be subject to change. The timetable reflects updates to the timetable in real time. Not all locations are available to be viewed in the “Room” search; only listed locations are available for Student Association bookings. Computer labs and teaching labs are unavailable for student association events.

UBCO Booking Timelines

Large Function Space
ADM 026 (This space must be booked through a sponsor from the Faculty of Creative & Critical Studies)
  • Capacity for 200 in a fixed tablet tiered setting with plush seating
  • 40′ x 27′ x 33′ Raised stage, floor to ceiling curtains
  • Multimedia projector, speaker system, microphone (wired and/or wireless handheld or wireless lapel)
  • Computer, Blu-ray, HDMI, VGA w/ audio, document camera, wireless presentation
  • Professional stage lighting and lighting control, two lighting tripods for close stage-mounting of lights if required
  • Technical Booth
  • Touch-top podium with DVD, VCR, LCD Projection, 20” screen and sound system enables control of all the audiovisuals
  • Outdoor Marquee sign available on request (cost for set up)
ADM 026 Requirements:
  • must be booked at least 2 hours in advance of event start time for set-up
  • a Safe Event Plan submitted to the Safe event Committee is required at least 10 days in advance
  • Technical Booth available with skilled technicians. Rate 4-hours: $200. For performance events a technician is mandatory at $50 per hour with a minimum of $200.
  • No food or drink permitted
COM201 (No Longer Available to Student Associations)
  • Capacity for 400 in a fixed table tiered classroom
  • Built-in screen, multimedia projector, speaker system, microphone
  • Computer, blu-ray, HDMI, document camera, wireless presentation
  • Lighting control, AC power to all seats
COM 201 Requirements:
  • must be booked at least 2 hours in advance of event start time for set-up
  • must have at least 300 attendees to book this space
  • a CORM safety form submitted to the Safe Event Committee is required at least 10 days in advance


Non-academic spaces available for booking

ADM 026

Currently ADM 026 is not available for events without an FCCS sponsor. We are working on this with UBC. If you have any questions, email Membership Outreach.  We will update this information as we learn more.

Arts Atrium

The Arts Atrium is not available for events.

Ballroom (UNC 200)
  • Capacity for 136 seated banquet-style or 200 standing or seated theatre-style
  • Built-in screen, overhead projector, microphone and surround sound system
  • Must be booked at least 2 hours in advance of event start time for set-up
  • Event set up such as tables/chairs (must be done by Facilities Management and requested 21 days in advance of event date via the Student Association Event Set Up Facilities Work Order Form included in the booking confirmation email.)
  • 5 microphones available by request (include your request on the Student Association Event Set Up Facilities Work Order Form under Sound Requirements section)
  • If music and dancing is part of the event, SOCAN and Re-Sound fees apply. These fees will be paid from your student association account after your event
UNC 200 Requirements:
  • Must be booked for at least 2 hours before and after specific event times for set-up and clean up
  • A Safe Planning Campus Event Form must be submitted to CORM at least 30 days in advance
  • A Campus Event Set-up Work Order Form is mandatory for the UNC Ballroom. The completed form including a map or drawing of the requested set up must be submitted in Rubric a minimum of 21 days in advance of the event date.  Due to liability no one other than the facilities department can have access to the storage room.  If you want a specific set up for your event, you must use the staff of the facilities department and be charged for the cost of their services.
  • If the event is on an evening or weekend, you can request a salto key for access by filling out the Salto Request Form on Rubric.  This form can also be used to request access to the elevator in the UNC for accessibility during the hours of the event plus 30 minutes before and after the start/end times.

There are foyers in many buildings of different sizes for different uses.

  • ADM Foyer – To book this foyer, you must also request dividers or Pipe & Drape to be placed in front of offices with glass walls for the occupant’s privacy by emailing a facilities work order form to the Membership Outreach Coordinator.
  • ARTS Foyer – available
  • ASC Foyer – available
  • COMMONS Foyer – This foyer is bookable for student associations and university departments, however the calendar showing availability is not viewable to students.  Submit a booking request for the date and time preferred and we will get back to you with options if the desired date and time are not available.  This space is booked on a first come, first serve basis however SUO/student association bookings take priority over other departments.
  • EME Foyer – This space is 2 levels and can be used for larger events. The two levels cannot be booked separately. A Campus Event Set Up Work Order Form (found in Rubric club portal) is required for a large event in this area. The completed form and a drawing of the requested set up must be emailed to Membership Outreach Coordinator a minimum of 21 days in advance of the event date (event set up and clean up must be organized by Facilities Management)
  • FIPKE foyer – This foyer can no longer be booked for event space on campus.  It has permanent study pods for students so tabling and events are not allowed
  • SCI Foyer – This foyer is small but can be used to set up a single table, if needed
  • UNC Foyer – There are two spots (100 & 100A) that can be booked between the doors and stairs of the UNC foyer for tabling.  Each spot includes two tables and two chairs to promote events, sell tickets or sell treats.  UNC 100 is the two tables closest to the exit doors.  UNC 100A is the two tables closest to the stairs.
Arts Atrium

The Arts Atrium is not available for events.

Campus Study Space


Please take note of the Hours of Operation below.  If your event is not during these hours, you will need to book a classroom for your event.

Hours of Operation

Monday-Thursday: 7:30 am – 6:30 pm

Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Closed weekends and statutory holidays.

Student Experience Office

COM104 Sawchuk Family Theatre

Located on level one of the Commons, the Engagement Theatre is a 25-30 person public and bookable space that gives users access to a 16 screen video wall.


  • 9′ tall x 16′ long video wall
  • Multi-source inputs: HDMI x2, Air Media, VGA, HD Cable x3
  • User-friendly touch interface controls
  • Stereo sound system
  • Dual wireless microphone

> Booking form and more details

Nachako Gathering Room

The Nachako Gathering Room is not available for booking Student Association events.

UNC 105 Boardroom

Rental Form

The Students’ Union UNC105 Boardroom contains the following equipment:

  • Ceiling-mounted projector
  • Electronic controlled projection screen
  • Two wall-mounted speakers
  • Wireless access point
  • Small sink and snack bar
  • Twenty chairs & Six boardroom tables

PLEASE NOTE: Breach of any terms and conditions may result in the fee.

UNC 106 Theatre

Rental Form

The Students’ Union UNC106 Theatre contains the following features/equipment:

  • 88 theatre-style seats
  • Ceiling-mounted 4K HD Projector
  • Electronic controlled projection screen
  • Surround Sound Speakers
  • Two (WiFi) wireless access points
  • Blu-ray DVD player
  • HDMI, VGA cable and audio cable

PLEASE NOTE: Breach of any terms and conditions may result in the fee.

UNC 334

This boardroom has the capacity for 27 people and is mainly used for students to present their thesis.  It is available to book, however your booking could be cancelled 2 weeks before the booked date for a thesis presentation.  You would most likely always get a 2-week notice if the booking needed to be cancelled. It has a lectern and a 48″ x 96″ whiteboard.

UNC 334 is a non-academic space so the calendar of availability is not viewable to students.  When submitting a booking request, choose Academic Space/Classroom and enter UNC 334 for the room code.  We will reach out with alternate options if the date/time requested is not available.

Campus Recreation

Gymnasium, Volleyball Courts, Nonis Field, Ball hockey rink, etc…
> Campus Recreation

Outdoor Spaces

Outdoor space can be booked using our regular room booking system.

Outdoor spaces do not come with tables, chairs, or other equipment set up. If tables/chairs are required, submit a Student Association Event Set Up Facilities Work Order Form to the Membership Outreach Coordinator once you have received a booking confirmation email. All Facilities Management requests must be submitted twenty-one days in advance of your event date. Facilities Management charges $40 per crew member per hour for event set-up and tear down.

There are a few tables, chairs, extension cords and branded tablecloths that your student association can borrow.  We even have a 10′ x 10′ tent and a pop-up banner!  Items cannot be lent out overnight or over weekends. Contact Membership Outreach for more details, or feel free to request an item in your event booking form.

How to book non-academic space on campus


Large events require a request well in advance – four weeks for an event without alcohol served and six weeks if you are planning to serve alcohol. Liquor licenses are acquired through Campus Security (see Safe Event Application Form below). If you will be hosting a large event on campus, follow these steps:

  • Check the timetable and ensure space is available, including time to set up before and clean up after the event
  • Submit a room booking request with the on-campus event form
  • Receive confirmation of your booking
  • Submit a Safe Planning Campus Event Form to CORM at least 30 days in advance. You must wait until you have received the room booking confirmation to submit this form.
  • You must provide the email of approval from CORM to Membership Outreach a minimum of 48 hours before the event or we may cancel the booking and stop ticket sales on Rubric.
  • Submit a Campus Event Set-up Work Order Form for requested event set up. This form is mandatory for all events in the UNC Ballroom. The completed form including a map or drawing of the requested set up must be submitted in Rubric a minimum of 21 days in advance of the event date.  Due to liability no one other than the facilities department can have access to the storage room.  If you want a specific set up for your event, you must use the staff of the facilities department and be charged for the cost of their services.
  • Facilities Management charges $72 per crew member per hour for set-up and tear down of events.
  • If CORM requires a security guard to be at your event, campus security will schedule the guard.  You will be charged $40/hour for a minimum of a 4 hour shift for each security guard required.
  • If your event is in UNC 200 and has music/dancing, SOCAN and ReSound fees will apply.
  • Specific charges will be paid from your student association account by the SUO after your event. You do not need to submit expense reimbursement forms to pay these university department charges.
  • Point of Information: The success or failure of your event will affect future events for your student association.  CORM may make decisions for your event based on the past occurrences, including damage or not following security requirements.
Non-academic spaces booked through the SUO Booking System

Unfortunately, foyer spaces, outdoor spaces and the UNC 200 Ballroom availability are not viewable on any timetables on the UBC website.  Please submit booking requests in our system with your preferred request.  It would be helpful to include options for times and dates in case the space is not available for the time you prefer. We will reach out with some options if we cannot book the space as requested.

Examples of suggestions would be:

  • If the room is available an hour or two later, we would like to book it.
  • If the space is not available for the date requested, we would like it any day over the same weekend or the following Friday.

BBQs, raffles, fundraising & off-campus events


The SUO no longer has a small BBQ for student associations to use. You can rent the large BBQ from The Well but you must book the UNC WE courtyard or UNC WS area through our website.  The BBQ cannot be moved across campus for safety reasons. Also, you can arrange to have a BBQ hosted by The Well in the courtyard between the UNC and Nechako buildings.

If you are hosting a BBQ event, make sure you book your outdoor space using our On-campus Event Form. Once your space booking is confirmed, make sure you fill out the BBQ Request Form on Rubric.

You will need to fill out and submit a Safe Planning Campus Event Form and receive approval from the CORM (Campus Operations & Risk Management) prior to the event.

Fire extinguishers are available on the day of your event from the Campus Security Dispatch office, located in the ADM building near the UBC Okanagan Bookstore.  Don’t forget to return it to the dispatch office once the event is over.

*** Please note, our online booking form may not reflect the changes to the procedures.


Student Associations are required to obtain pre-approval for all off-campus events and activities. We recommend that off-campus event requests are submitted at least two weeks in advance of the date the event will be advertised.  Last minute submissions may not be able to be approved.  Events involving physical risk or alcohol may require waivers to be signed and submitted to the Membership Outreach Coordinator prior to the event.  In certain circumstances, there may also be extra insurance coverage required at the expense of the Student Association. Once the Off-campus Event Form has been submitted, our office will respond with notice of approval or a request for more information.

Events for registration or ticket sales will not be approved on Rubric until the event is approved by Membership Outreach.


Student Associations are not allowed to have a raffle or draw that would require them to procure a gambling license due to the stringent government reporting that would be required and the fines that are involved if not followed correctly.  A game of chance, that anyone can win and the winner is a random choice must have a gambling license.

  • Examples of this are random draws, raffle tickets, 50/50s, silent auctions, lotteries and games involving playing cards or dice.

If it is a game of skill, then you do not need a license.

  • Examples of this would be to guess the number of items in a jar, closest putt to the green, the best score in a bean bag toss, a trivia or mathematical question.

A game that needs a gaming license has the three elements listed below. The contest must be exempt from at least one of the three criteria to be considered a game of skill.

  1. There is a prize.
  2. Contestants are required to pay to enter.
  3. It is a game of chance.

Email the Membership Outreach Coordinator with any and all questions before carrying out any raffles or draws.


If an event includes a game or competition and there is a prize valued at over $200, you must fill out a Pre-paid Gift Card/Prize Item Purchasing Record Form to include with an expense reimbursement form and the receipts or invoices to be reimbursed for the costs.

If an event includes a game or competition and there is a pre-paid gift card as a prize, you must fill out a Pre-paid Gift Card/Prize Item Purchasing Record Form to include with an expense reimbursement form and the receipts or invoices to be reimbursed for the costs.

The form can also be submitted in Rubric as long as it is submitted within 48 hours of an expense reimbursement form and the coinciding receipts or invoices being emailed to You can upload a hardcopy of the form including signatures in Rubric as well.

  • Get creative with ways to raise money for your favourite charity.
  • Book space in front of the UNC, borrow a table to have a bake sale or sell Krispy Kreme donuts.
  • Book space in the courtyard and raise funds having a BBQ.
  • Book the UNC Ballroom, organize a fun event and sell tickets on the SUO Eventbrite page to raise money.
  • Use SUO funding to cover expenses for holding events or purchasing fundraising products.
  • DON’T use SUO funding directly to make donations to charity organizations.

Events at The Well


The Well is a great place to throw an event. All ages events in the Well do have some fees attached to it, however the needs of the event affect the costs involved. Due to no alcohol being sold there is usually a staffing fee as well as an overall booking fee. This fee is arranged between The Well Pub Manager and the folks putting on the event.

For the most part a 19+ event would not have any fees attached to it as bar sales would cover the costs.

Since the event is in Students’ Union space, there are no extra insurance costs or waivers to sign for All Ages and 19+ events.

If someone wants to inquire about booking the space, they can contact The Well Pub Manager.


SUO equipment student associations can borrow or rent


The SUO has four (4) Moneris debit/credit machines for Student Association use. The SUO covers the monthly rental cost of the machines.  The Student Association will be charged the transaction fees only when they borrow the machine to collect funds.

  • To request a debit machine, please fill out our Moneris Machine Request Form found in the add-ons when submitting On-Campus Event or Off-Campus Event forms.
  • These machines are booked on a first come, first serve basis and cannot be removed from campus.
  • A Student Association may only book one machine at a time to a maximum of 7 days.
  • Moneris bookings cannot be reserved consecutively.
  • You will receive an email letting you know the machine is available or not on the dates requested.
    • Once you have received confirmation, you will need to complete the Moneris POS Machine Request Form in your Rubric club portal.
    • We will confirm the signing authority signatures and approve the form. 
    • You will receive confirmation through the club portal.
    • Please have the person responsible for the machine provide their student ID card when they come to pick-up the machine from the SUO Front Desk.
  • Debit machines not returned before 4:00PM on the final day it is booked for will be charged a $25 late fee.
  • Moneris Machines are not available for the summer semesters from May until August.

paper & supply co has a limited number of cash boxes which can be signed out by Student Association members on a first come, first served basis. If you require a cash float, you must make your request a minimum of two (2) business days in advance. Please include your request for the quantities of bills and coin required to a maximum of $200.

Visit or contact the paper & supply co at UNC 103 for more information or to make a request. You can also email the paper & supply co!


We have one (1) portable PA system available for Student Associations to borrow for use on campus. It can be reserved through the On-campus event Form as an Add-on.

  • The system cannot leave the UBCO campus.
  • If it is being used during class times, you will need to fill out a Safe Planning Campus Event Form due to the potential to interfere and receive approval from the CORM (Campus Operations & Risk Management) Committee prior to the event.
  • You will need to complete the Portable PA System Request Form in your Rubric club portal.
    • Once we receive the completed form, we will confirm the signing authority signatures and approve the form.
    • You will receive confirmation through the club portal.
  • Looking to have a club barbeque? The Well has a large barbeque that student associations can use for the fee of $149.
  • When booking a space for your event please note that the barbeque is only available in the UNC WE or WS and not the Courtyard (area next to water-feature).
  • You will need to complete the BBQ Request Form in your Rubric club portal.
    • Once we receive the completed form, we will confirm the signing authority signatures and approve the form.
    • You will receive confirmation through the club portal.
    • We will decline the form submission if the items are not available when requested.  Items are reserved on a first come, first serve basis.

We have a limited number of fold-up tables, chairs and branded tablecloths available for use. We also have a 10′ x 10′ pop-up tent and a stand up Student Association branded banner.

  • Please note, these items can be borrowed from the UNC133 office during the office hours of Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 4pm ONLY. Items must be returned before 4:00pm on the same day they are borrowed.
  • Please book the requested outdoor space and receive confirmation before requesting the tables.
  • We have 2 Student Association branded tablecloths that can be borrowed with the fold-up tables, also.
  • You will need to complete the Event Equipment Request Form in your Rubric club portal.
    • Once we receive the completed form, we will confirm the signing authority signatures and approve the form.
    • You will receive confirmation through the club portal.
    • We will decline the form submission if the items are not available when requested.  Items are reserved on a first come, first serve basis.
  • If you need more than some of these items or you need them outside of SUO office hours, you will need to fill out a Event Facilities Department Set-up Request Form
Extension Cords

The SUO has extension cords available for student associations to borrow. Please note, extension cords are potential tripping hazards. Proper precautions must be used. Please contact Membership Outreach for more information or to request.

  • You will need to complete the Extension Cord Request Form in your Rubric club portal.
    • Once we receive the completed form, we will confirm the signing authority signatures and approve the form.
    • You will receive confirmation through the club portal.
    • We will decline the form submission if the items are not available when requested.  Items are reserved on a first come, first serve basis.

Request balance of funds, depositing funds & online ticket sales


Email to request the balance of available funds for your student association or in itemized pdf report of all deposits and expense withdrawals.  Keep in mind that recently submitted deposits or expense reimbursements may not be visible on the pdf.  We do not post expense reimbursements until the recipient has submitted their banking information and the ERF has been paid out.


Student Associations may not hold external bank accounts or move funds through a personal or external account for student association operations. This may get your student association deactivated for the academic year or permanently.
All Student Association funds must be processed directly within the SUO account (deposits, ticket sales and reimbursements).


All SUO registered Student Associations MUST keep their funds within the SUO bank account. All SUO registered Student Associations MUST process their payments, reimbursements and sponsorship within the SUO bank account. Failure to do so can result in the suspension or dissolution of your Student Association.

To obtain an itemized PDF financial statement or balance inquiry, email the Membership Outreach Coordinator from your Student Association email account requesting one. For privacy and protection of a student association’s funds, we will not send account statements to personal email addresses.


If you have a deposit for your Student Association account, please take the cash or cheque to paper & supply co.  and let them know you would like to make a deposit. Your Student Association account will be updated the following business day. All cheques must be made payable to the “Student Union of UBC Okanagan” with your Student Association name noted in the memo, no exceptions. We are not able to deposit cheques that are not properly filled out.

If a business is mailing a cheque to the Students’ Union, provide them with our mailing address and ensure you list your Student Association name and the Students’ Union of UBC Okanagan:

Student Association Name
c/o SUO of UBC
3272 University Way, UNC133
Kelowna, BC     V1V 1V7

If requested by the sponsor, the SUO can provide an invoice for their financial records. The business can also arrange to make a direct deposit from a Canadian financial institution or to process the payment with a company Visa or Mastercard. Email the Membership Outreach Coordinator with an email address for the direct contact from the company who is arranging the payment as well as the agreed amount of sponsorship or donation.  We will send an invoice and arrange payment.  Once the payment is received, the funds will be recorded in the specific student association financial transactions.

Online Ticket Sales

Online ticket sales are now completed through your Rubric club portal. You can find more by selecting the Events tab and “Create New Event.” Follow the prompts provided by the portal. Once the event has been approved by the Membership Outreach team you event will become active and ticket sales can begin!

Expenses, how to get reimbursed & pre-paid gift cards


Student Associations may not hold external bank accounts or move funds through a personal or external account for student association operations. This includes E-transfers! Non-sanctioned purchases and accounts may get your student association deactivated for the academic year or permanently.

All Student Association funds must be processed directly within the SUO account (deposits, ticket sales and reimbursements).


All expenses or payments must be prepaid by student association members or made directly to a supplier or vendor. Reimbursements will be made via direct deposit after submitting an Expense Reimbursement Form (ERF) with supporting receipts or invoices in hardcopy at the SUO office in UNC 133 or by email to the Membership Outreach Coordinator. See the section below for submitting by email.

Important details that must be included:

  • Any ERF’s that do not have pages 1 & 2 completed, will be returned to be resubmitted with both pages completed IN FULL, all columns.
  • The name of the person/business the reimbursement is being made out to
  • An email address of the person/business being reimbursed to contact for banking information
    • Do not include banking information with the ERF, we take an individual’s privacy very seriously
    • We will send an email with a link to a form to submit banking information once the ERF is submitted to our finance manager to pay out
  • An explanation of what the purchase was for, items that are referenced in Student Association Regulation #17 will not be reimbursed.
  • The total amount being requested for reimbursement. If you fill out page 2 of the ERF correctly, it will do the math for you
  • Make sure you use the e-fillable part of the form for the email address of the person/business being reimbursed or paid.  To avoid mistakes, we must be able to copy and paste the address to other documents.
  • Forms in a protected file will not be processed, as they cannot be confirmed by the Membership Outreach manager. This includes using Adobe to sign the expense reimbursement form.
  • Signatures are matched for every single ERF to the renewal form or registration form on file.
    • If the signatures don’t match, the ERF will be sent back to you.
    • Signatures made with a computer font will not be accepted.
    • A signing authority cannot sign their own reimbursement form.
  • Do not submit more than one ERF for the same person at the same time, or in the same email.
    • Consolidate receipts for the same person into ONE ERF.
    • We only process one reimbursement per person, per student association, per week.
Supporting Documentation
  • If you submit an invoice, you need to include a bank statement or credit card statement proving that payment has been made.
  • If payments are made by debit or credit, the reimbursement must be made to the person whose card was used.  You may be requested to provide proof that the card is yours by our Finance Manager.
  • A debit slip is not a receipt, it must be an itemized receipt showing what was purchased. Debit slips without matching itemized receipts from restaurants or pubs are not valid.
  • We cannot reimburse expenses without valid receipts or invoices. If you lose the receipt, we cannot reimburse from a bank or credit card statement alone.
  • If you pay with cash, make sure the receipt or invoice says that it is paid and there is no balance owing.  If you can’t prove it is paid, we can’t payout the reimbursement.
  • Do not purchase from vendors that cannot provide a valid receipt and you can’t provide proof of payment.  Businesses must be able to provide a valid receipt or invoice if requested by the purchaser.
  • Do not buy items off of Facebook Marketplace if they are not a vendor who can provide proof of payment
  • Pre-paid gift cards can ONLY be used as prizes at events based on Student Association Regulations. You cannot give out gift cards for anything other than a prize at an event or the reimbursement will be rejected.
    • Submitting reimbursements for pre-paid gift cards, must include the “Pre-Paid Gift Card Purchasing Record Form” with the ERF and receipts.
    • Don’t forget to include details of the event, the type of card as well as the recipient’s name and signature. We will randomly contact people on the lists for confirmation.  See the Student Association Handbook for more information.

Guide on how to sign a PDF without locking the document.

***An email will be sent to the email address listed for the recipient. with the subject line “There is a Student Association payout waiting for you”. To protect the privacy of the recipient, do not send personal banking information until contacted. Make sure they know to check all Inbox folders including Spam or Junk.  Since funds are sent by direct deposit, we cannot send the reimbursement until this information is submitted.  The recipient will be sent this email every time an ERF is submitted to reimburse them to confirm than no banking information has changed since the previous one.

Reimbursements will be made by direct deposit to bank accounts at Canadian financial institutions. We ask for a minimum of 5 business days to have your reimbursement ready. Once the ERF is processed, it can take an additional 3-5 business days for the funds to show up in your account.

Submitting ERFs by Hardcopy
  • Hardcopies of the form, and receipts, must be kept in a secure location accessible to current and future executives for a minimum of one year.
Submitting ERFs by Email
  • The expense reimbursement form must be sent as a pdf in an unprotected file.
  • Receipts submitted by email can be sent as PDF, PNG or JPG/JPEG.  Do not send forms or receipts as DOC, DOCX or HEIC.
  • Email the ERF to or, not both.
  • Do not email CC or email ERFs to the VP Finance, they will get a copy after it has been approved to pay out.
  • If you are emailing from your personal email address, CC the student association email address in case we need more information to process the reimbursement.
Expenses too expensive to pay out of pocket

If the amount being spent is larger than a member can personally take responsibility for, please contact the Membership Outreach Coordinator and you will receive assistance with an alternative payment method. Do not spend money for your Student Association from your personal account if it could result in a financially stressful situation. We do not want students to struggle financially while waiting for reimbursement.


Based on SUO Regulation VIII Section 18, pre-paid gift cards cannot be purchased with SUO funding. Pre-paid gift cards cannot be used as a means to supply attendees of an event food or purchase event supplies.  Pre-paid gift cards can only be used as a prize at a specific event with dollars raised by ticket sales from the specific event. Expense Reimbursements for pre-paid gift cards or items valued at over $200 must include a Pre-Paid Gift Card/Prize Item Purchasing Record Form that has been completed in full.  Recipients of pre-paid gift cards or prizes valued at +$200 at events must be named on the record form and they must sign to confirm that they were given the card as a prize at a specific event.  Reimbursements will not be processed if the forms are not completed in full, the event has ticket sales to cover the cost of the prize and submitted with an expense reimbursement form and an itemized receipt of the cards or item purchased.

The Pre-Paid Gift Card/Prize Item Purchasing Record Form can be completed in the Rubric club portal in full. Also, a hardcopy of the form with winners and their signatures can be uploaded in the Rubric form if you find that easier.  The purchasing record form must be submitted in Rubric within 48 hours of the expense reimbursement form being emailed to

Student association funding & how it works


If you are a new Student Association that has just been ratified by our Board of Directors, you would have received an application form for new Student Association Funding with the email informing you of being newly ratified.  You have 10 days from the date of receiving the email to submit the application and receive up to $500 in funding to help you function until our next official funding period at the beginning of the following start of Term 1 or Term 2.

Outside of being a brand-new club or course union, there are two term funding periods in each academic year for student associations to request SUO funding. One takes place at the start of Term 1 in September and one in Term 2 in January. Funding application details and deadlines are sent out to registered Student Association email addresses at the beginning of each funding period. We will not review or process funding applications submitted outside of the specific funding periods.  Make sure you only submit term funding applications during the designated period and do not miss the deadline!

Keep in mind that the form is an application and the amount you ask for will most likely be different than what funding is approved. Don’t spend funds your student association does not currently have available before the applications are processed and the funding is approved by the Ad Hoc Funding Committee or SUO Board of Directors. If the funds available go into a negative balance, the student association will not be able to operate until the balance is returned to at least a zero (0) balance.

Any requests over $1500 may require an in-person or Zoom meeting with the VP Finance & Administration and one other member of the Ad Hoc Funding Committee to discuss the needs of the request.  Requested amounts that are $2000 and under can be approved by the Ad Hoc Funding Committee. Any approved requests over $2000 during one funding period must be ratified by the SUO Board of Directors at a board meeting.

A student association can request up to $3500 total per academic year.

One of your signing authority executives must attend Orientation to qualify for funding. Make sure they sign in and out at the event to register their attendance for the entire event.

At the end of each term, we ask for each Student Association to fill out an End of Term Report to submit to the Membership Outreach Coordinator to report on events and spending during that term.  The End of Term Report will be reviewed along-side the proceeding funding application period. Failure to submit an End of Term Report could affect the Student Associations ability to be approved for funding or receive requests for larger amounts in the following term. The form can be found in the Rubric club portal.

Promotion, posters and printing services

SUO Website Event Calendar

Student Association Events can be posted on the SUO Events Calendar to promote it and increase exposure.

There are two ways to get your event added to our Event Calendar.

  • When submitting a booking request on our website, you click on Yes to add it to our calendar and write up the description that you would like added to the post in the description area under the Event Name.  Once the booking request is confirmed, we will add the event to our calendar and email you a link for approval and edits.
  • If you chose No to the Event Calendar or changed your mind, email the Membership Outreach Coordinator with the event name, description, date, time, location and any other details such as ticket cost or registration information.  The event will be added to the calendar and a link emailed to you.
Rubric Event Calendar

Student associations can now add their own event to the Rubric event calendar. Simply log into your club portal and head to the Events section. You can create a new event to sell tickets or set up free tickets for attendees to register. You can also delete an existing event if you need to cancel it for unseen circumstances. The Rubric event calendar is automatically updated.


Each Student Association may have up to twenty (20) posters printed per event. If more than one group is partnering together for an event, a maximum of forty (40) posters total will be printed.

Note the following when designing your poster:

  • Your Student Association name or logo must be clearly displayed.
  • The SUO name or logo must be displayed (available for download on website – light background or dark background).
  • Do not use the UBC logo on the poster.
  • All event details such as date, time and location must be listed correctly. We will not reprint posters as a result of mistakes in your poster design.
  • Each poster design must have at least 3″ x 2″ of negative/light-coloured space for our SUO date stamp. Posters without this stamp may be removed by campus cleaners.
  • Posters can be printed standard letter (8.5″ x 11″) or tabloid (11″ x 17″) sizes. Indicate the size when submitting the request form.

***Canva users, please refer to this important information before submitting your poster request.

When your poster design meets the above criteria, you may fill out the Poster Printing Request Form in Rubric and upload the file.

Once you receive an email confirming posters are ready, they can be picked up at the SUO reception desk.  If you printed your own posters, they can be date-stamped at paper & supply co.

Posters must be put up following the university campus rules listed below. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in your posters being removed by University staff.

  • Posters must be date stamped with our SUO stamp, they will be taken down two weeks from the date stamped.
  • In the UNC building you may hang posters on the 1st floor round pillars only with masking tape or painters tape only! Tape is available at paper & supply co.
  • Posters put up with scotch or packing tape will be removed as the acid in the tape permanently damages cement and paint.
  • DO NOT hang posters on walls, glass, windows, or doors.
  • In buildings around campus you may hang posters on general bulletin boards only with pins or staples.
  • DO NOT hang posters on faculty or department specific bulletin boards.
  • In some buildings, it may be necessary to obtain department approval prior to posting.
  • Do not cover or block visibility of current posters already posted.
  • Student associations who do not follow these guidelines may be disallowed future poster printing privileges. (FYI – UBCO Security informs MOC of clubs not respecting postering privileges)

For complete information, please refer to the Campus Planning guidelines.

paper & supply co

You can now get all your printing needs done in the UNC! Come stop by the SUO’s print shop “paper & supply co.” We offer colour and black/white printing, lamination, binding, large format printing and more! Your on campus stationery and consignment bookstore offers a one-stop shop for your studying needs. All of our textbooks are used, and student owned, which means when you buy a book from us the student that owns it gets paid! We can also take your old textbooks on consignment (some conditions apply) and try to get you paid too.

Attention all student associations! Stop by paper and supply co. for cash boxes and to deposit funds into your club account. Visit our website or see us in UNC103 for more information.

Student Association Direct Bill Printing

Student Associations may print at paper & supply co and have the printing billed directly to their Student Association if their total is over $10.00. To be able to be billed directly, the student association must follow the below procedure.

  • Have all documents ready to go, formatted in the way you want them printed (i.e. document is formatted in the size you need printed, anything double sided is in the same document).
  • Take your documents to the paper & supply co. to discuss printing options and upgrades. They can provide you a quote at this time.
  • Have paper & supply co. staff complete their section of the “Student Association Printing Approval Form.” Printing will only be billed directly if the cost is over $10.00.
  • Complete and submit the rest of Student Association Printing Approval form to the paper & supply co. along with the documents or files you wish to print. Make sure to specify your printing specifications with the documents (quantity, paper upgrades, colour vs b&w etc.)
  • Paper & supply co. will submit the form to the Membership Outreach Coordinator to verify signatures and balances. Once the form is approved, your order will be printed.
  • Paper & supply co will contact you via email when your prints are ready for pickup.
  • Pick up your prints and sign the receipt.
  • Orders under $10 will have to be paid for at the time of purchase, and an ERF may be submitted to the Membership Outreach Coordinator with the receipt to be reimbursed.

Orientation & Expo – the facts


Every September we have an Orientation Day for our clubs and course unions. It is usually the second Saturday after the first day of classes. Spend the day with us and learn everything you need to have a successful year as a student association. From finances, budgeting, reimbursements, expenses, funding and creating great events, our orientation agenda will set you up for success.  It is mandatory for one (1), preferably two (2) executives from each Student Association to attend orientation for your Student Association to retain active status, apply for funding and have access to the SUO services associated with Student Associations.

As Term 2 starts in January we will have a follow-up orientation meeting with updates, review and any new business that may have occurred since September. We will also have an open town hall forum to find out what our Student Associations need from us and to share ideas. It is mandatory for one (1) executive from each Student Association to attend this meeting in order to apply for funding and remain active.


Expo is a large outdoor event held in the courtyard that provides Student Associations with the opportunity to promote themselves and encourage incoming or returning students to experience clubs and course unions at UBCO. This is a way to make new friends, network, and make connections with local community partners! This outdoor event has room for all Student Associations, as long as they have confirmed their renewal status with the Students’ Union and signed up to participate. As this event is hosted by the Students’ Union, expect a big barbeque with a complimentary meal and a table to meet your Students’ Union crew and *pause for effect* free swag!  This interactive event is a lot of fun every year and a great way to welcome you to our campus!


A more low-key event than Expo held in September, Winter Expo is an indoor event (usually held in EME) every January. We will be doing a 2 day Winter Expo in January 2025 to accommodate more student association participation! Space is limited for this event, and spots fill up quickly, so be sure to register as soon as possible. Join campus and community partners participating! Watch for sign-up emails in November.

Shortcut to student association forms


Forms found in Rubric Club Portal

  • Moneris POS Machine Request Form
  • Event Equipment Request From
  • Extension Cord Request From
  • Event Facilities Department Set-up Request Form
  • Salto Access Request From (for UNC200 weekend or evening access) – available soon!
  • Pre-paid Gift Card/Prize Item Purchasing Record Form
  • End of Term Funding Summary Report