Get-Things-Done Night
November 27, 2022 @ 4:00 pm - 11:30 pm
The last weeks of classes are always the busiest ones. Therefore, us, from the Engineering Society in partnership with the School of Engineering are dedicating a Sunday afternoon to just… GET IT DONE! Whatever you have left, whether it is the final SOLIDWORKS project in APSC 171 or the mechanical heart valve for ENGR 482: this is THE DAY to crunch that. In order to provide some *extra motivation*, we are booking three lecture halls. The first one for the “Eng Café”, which will have a variety of food and drinks including coffee, tea, snacks, and pizza later in the night. The second one is for the “Pump-up Station”, which will contain a variety of games that help students keep their energy up. The third one will be a dedicated quiet study space, if you need to get into that deep focus mode. Lastly, we are also booking the EME computer lab to turn into a SOLIDWORKS dedicated station, and other study rooms around the building so you can have a study sesh with your friends. Throughout the evening, don’t forget to register in the EngSoc office (EME 1253) to enter a special giveaway and reserve a spot in the study rooms.