SUO T-Shirt Design Contest

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SUO T-Shirt Design Contest

SUO T-Shirt Design Contest Rules

Welcome to the SUO T-Shirt Design Contest! Show off your creativity and design a T-shirt representing our community’s spirit. Here are the rules and guidelines for participation:


  1. The contest is open to all current UBC Okanagan students.
  2. Participants can submit individually or as a team (maximum of 3 members per team).

Design Guidelines

  1. Mandatory Element: The design must include the text “SUO UBC” or likenesses (ie: ‘Students’ Union Okanagan’)
  2. Designs should be original and must not contain any copyrighted material or offensive content.
  3. The design must be submitted in a high-resolution digital format (PNG, JPEG, or PDF).
  4. The design should be suitable for printing on a T-shirt and should not exceed 2 colours.
  5. Submissions can be suitable for either light or dark T-shirts.

Submission Process

  1. All entries must be submitted to:
  2. The deadline for submissions is August 9th 2024
  3. Each submission must include the participant’s name, student ID number, and contact information.

Judging Criteria

  1. Creativity and originality.
  2. Relevance to the SUO and UBC Okanagan community.
  3. Incorporation of the text “SUO UBC” or likenesses (ie: ‘Students’ Union Okanagan’)
  4. Visual appeal and suitability for a T-shirt.

Voting and Winner Selection

  1. A panel of judges from the SUO will shortlist the top 10 designs.
  2. The shortlisted designs will be displayed on the SUO website and social media platforms for public voting.
  3. The design with the most votes will be declared the winner.
  4. In the event of a tie, the judges will make the final decision.


  1. The winning design will be printed on official SUO T-shirts.
  2. The winner(s) will receive a $50 gift card
  3. The winner will also receive a free T-shirt featuring their design.

Additional Rules

  1. By entering the contest, participants grant SUO the right to use and reproduce their designs for promotional purposes.
  2. SUO reserves the right to make minor adjustments to the winning design if necessary.
  3. Any entries that do not adhere to the contest rules will be disqualified.
  4. SUO reserves the right to cancel or modify the contest at any time.

Contact Information

For any questions or further information, please contact [insert contact email or phone number].

Good luck, and we look forward to seeing your amazing designs!