
SUO By-Election Nomination Period

Nomination Period Begins | September 16 at 8:00 am Closes September 27th at 4 pm...

Random Dance Challenge

Central Courtyard, UBCO Campus 1138 Alumni Avenue, Kelowna

Random dance challenge is a K-pop dance flash mob where people are encouraged to jump...

IMSF Clinical Event

EME Building, UBCO Campus 1137 Alumni Avenue, Kelowna

The IMSF will be hosting a clinical event, where they will be showing us how...

Annual General Meeting

EME Building, UBCO Campus 1137 Alumni Avenue, Kelowna

Come learn what the Women in Engineering Club does on campus, chat with WiE executives...

QSCU Welcome Night

EME Building, UBCO Campus 1137 Alumni Avenue, Kelowna

A welcome event for all students in the CMPS faculty to get to know the...