Exploratory RPG night

Arts Building, UBCO Campus 1147 Research Road, Kelowna

A chance for people to try out TTRPGS (tabletop role playing games) aside from D&D...

CCU Annual General Meeting

Science Building, UBCO Campus 1177 Research Road, Kelowna

The CCU will be holding their annual general meeting for people to attend, learn about...

Spring Gift-Making Event for Hospice

EME Building, UBCO Campus 1137 Alumni Avenue, Kelowna

Join us to create spring gifts for hospice patients in Kelowna! Pizza and refreshments will...

The Future of Canadian Conservatism

Kelowna Hotel & Conference Center 2170 Harvey Ave, Kelowna

An intellectual dialogue about the future of small C conservatism in Canada. The speakers are...

Event Series Kirtan Night

Kirtan Night

FIPKE Building, UBCO Campus 3247 University Way, Kelowna

Join us for a serene and spiritually uplifting evening as we come together to immerse...

The Player Awards

EME Building, UBCO Campus 1137 Alumni Avenue, Kelowna

The Year End Free Event for the Esports players that played in Collegiate Professional Tournaments...