SUO Office will reopen on Tuesday, September 3rd at 8:30am.
Learn about UMO. SUO Fall U-PASS code email was sent on August 30th.
Please check your email and follow the instructions to activate your UMO benefit code.


IDS Campus Waste Initiatives Weekly Meetings

EME Building, UBCO Campus 1137 Alumni Avenue, Kelowna

Weekly meetings to work on our Campus Waste Initiatives. Join us if you want to...


Commons Building, UBCO Campus 3297 University Way, Kelowna

The Computer Science Course Union at UBCO is back with the 4th iteration of BC...

Get-Things-Done Night

EME Building, UBCO Campus 1137 Alumni Avenue, Kelowna

The last weeks of classes are always the busiest ones. Therefore, us, from the Engineering...