9 events found.
Self Care Scribbles
FIPKE Building, UBCO Campus 3247 University Way, Kelowna, British Columbia, CanadaA journaling event with a focus on wellness. Location: FIP 121
Campaigns Committee Meeting
SUO Boardroom UNC 105 UBCO, Kelowna, CanadaThe SUO committee meetings are open to the members unless the Board of Directors has...
Weekly Anime Showings
Arts Building, UBCO Campus 1147 Research Road, Kelowna, British Columbia, CanadaEvery week, we will play some games and watch 3 episodes of anime! There will...
Competitive Programming Workshops
ASC 130, UBCO Campus 3187 University Way, Kelowna, British Columbia, CanadaCompetitive programming sessions where students will practice questions and learn how to optimize their answers,...
Ugandan Storyteller & Illustrator Event
Arts Building, UBCO Campus 1147 Research Road, Kelowna, British Columbia, CanadaThe Niteo Africa SUO Club is hosting an event where a Ugandan storyteller, Andrew, will...
Relaxation night
UNC Foyer, UBCO Campus 3272 University Way, Kelowna, British Columbia, CanadaAn event to wind down as the end of term approaches. Students can come and...
UBCO x OKSL Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tournament
Library, UBCO Campus 3287 University Way, Kelowna, British Columbia, CanadaWeekly Super smash brothers' ultimate tournaments ran at UBCO. Location: LIB 312
Frostbeat (The Beats A Cappella Winter Showcase)
ADM 026 Theatre 1138 Alumni Avenue, Kelowna, British Columbia, CanadaJoin The Beats A Cappella for an exciting night of singing, dancing, and overall good...