Events Calendar
See what’s happening at UBC Okanagan.
Below is the Students’ Union event calendar that features activities for you to come out and enjoy. Be sure to keep checking back as new events are being added.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
BEATS Non-Comp Rehearsals
The Non-Competitive group of BEATS will meet weekly to practice singing, get to know each...
MSA Halloween Trivia
The Management Student Association’s Halloween Trivia will include trivia games for management students in the...
Geography Course Union October General Meeting
Meeting with the GCU executives and all geography majors and minors are invited to come...
BCCU general meeting
To allow the BCCU members to watch our bi-weekly meeting with the exec SCI 333
Halloween Horror Night
The UBCO Ice Cream Club is streaming a horror movie with a “build your own...
Pre-Dental Association Halloween Carving Event
The Pre-dental association is holding a Halloween social event for students to learn more about...
AWB’s Paint and Pizza Night
Come join us for a night of painting and pizza in the UNC ballroom! All...