Events Calendar
See what’s happening at UBC Okanagan.
Below is the Students’ Union event calendar that features activities for you to come out and enjoy. Be sure to keep checking back as new events are being added.
Upcoming Events
Medieval Club Meeting
The Medieval club is happy to be teaching and demonstrating period style swordsmanship techniques. There...
Taekwondo Class
Come join us and learn more about the Korean martial arts of Taekwondo! Located:...
BCCU BIOC 309 Midterm 3 Review Session
The BCCU will be hosting a review session for the last pharmacology midterm of the...
Words of Advice
As Age-Link we look to connect the younger generation to the seniors. We have a...
5 Days Bingo
Bingo night for 5 days for the homeless-tickets will go towards HOPE Outreach. Located:...
CCU CHEM 204 Midterm Study Session 2
Come get help from our tutors in preparation for your upcoming midterm and get some...
Weekly Rehearsal
This is a weekly rehearsal hosting classical, jazz, and open jam sessions. Please bring your...
Voices in the Valley: Jack.org Summit
The Jack.org summit is a day full of sessions and workshops focused on raising awareness...