BC Hacks 5.0
BC Hacks 5.0 is the fifth iteration of the Computer Science Course Union's annual hackathon...
Below is the Students’ Union event calendar that features activities for you to come out and enjoy. Be sure to keep checking back as new events are being added.
BC Hacks 5.0 is the fifth iteration of the Computer Science Course Union's annual hackathon...
Stargazing night for students of all departments and disciplines! We set up telescopes and you...
BC Hacks 5.0 is the fifth iteration of the Computer Science Course Union's annual hackathon...
This event is a video game tournament where players will play Smash Bros games against...
BC Hacks 5.0 is the fifth iteration of the Computer Science Course Union's annual hackathon...
This practice in preparation of our upcoming performance. Location: UNC 200
Free Drop-in Board games from 5-10 every Tuesday night! Location: ART 108