Events Calendar
See what’s happening at UBC Okanagan.
Below is the Students’ Union event calendar that features activities for you to come out and enjoy. Be sure to keep checking back as new events are being added.
9 events found.
Upcoming Events
CHEM 311 MTSS #2
A second midterm review session for students in CHEM 311. Location: SCI 236
St. Georges Vet School Presentation
Join us on March 21 at 6pm to learn about international vet school St. Georges...
EngSoc AGM
EngSoc's Annual General Meeting (AGM) will feature us going over motions, as well as having...
EESC Trivia Night
Do you ROCK? Then Join the EESC Course Union for an epic trivia night about...
Chess Club
Join us every Friday at 5-7pm for our weekly chess club meetup! Whether you're a...
Friday Night RPGs
Games Club will be hosting student-led groups of players playing role-playing games (RPGs) weekly from...