Membership Sale
Come buy a membership to Girls Who Lift SUO! Each membership includes a phone wallet,...
Below is the Students’ Union event calendar that features activities for you to come out and enjoy. Be sure to keep checking back as new events are being added.
Come buy a membership to Girls Who Lift SUO! Each membership includes a phone wallet,...
Every week, we will play some games and watch 3 episodes of anime! There will...
Weekly Super smash brothers' ultimate tournaments ran at UBCO. Location: LIB 312
The Management Student Association (MSA) is hosting a charity soccer tournament to raise funds for...
Come join our IPC Resource Center for their drop-in hours! The IPC serves as a...
The Games Club hosts a board game night where people come and play board games....
Our weekly practice, in which we perform historical arts and sciences and practice historical sword-based...
Come join PRC for their drop-in hours! As a paraprofessional service, it offers referrals to...
KDT welcomes everyone to a fun evening of various games, snacks, and prizes. Location: ASC...