Events Calendar
See what’s happening at UBC Okanagan.
Below is the Students’ Union event calendar that features activities for you to come out and enjoy. Be sure to keep checking back as new events are being added.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Coding sessions (with coaches)
Computer programming session guided by coaches. Each week we will make workshops, projects, and activities...
UDC dance class
Unite Dance Club will be having weekly dance classes every Wednesday from 8-9. Register on...
Calgary Business Trip (CBT)
On the Calgary Business Trip, students will have the valuable opportunity to meet and network...
BGSS Coffee & Donuts Social
BGSS welcomes all Biology and Biochemistry graduate students and faculty to join us for coffee...
QSCU – STAT 230: Midterm Review Session
Our Statistics Representative is collaborating with the course professor to organize a review session ahead...
Weekly Anime Showings
Every week, we will play some games and watch 3 episodes of anime! There will...
Competitive Programming Workshops
Competitive programming sessions where students will practice questions and learn how to optimize their answers,...