Events Calendar
See what’s happening at UBC Okanagan.
Below is the Students’ Union event calendar that features activities for you to come out and enjoy. Be sure to keep checking back as new events are being added.
Upcoming Events
Campaigns Committee Meeting
The SUO committee meetings are open to the members unless the Board of Directors has...
Weekly Anime Showings
Every week, we will play some games and watch 3 episodes of anime! There will...
Competitive Programming Workshops
Competitive programming sessions where students will practice questions and learn how to optimize their answers,...
Ugandan Storyteller & Illustrator Event
The Niteo Africa SUO Club is hosting an event where a Ugandan storyteller, Andrew, will...
Relaxation night
An event to wind down as the end of term approaches. Students can come and...
UBCO x OKSL Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tournament
Weekly Super smash brothers' ultimate tournaments ran at UBCO. Location: LIB 312
Frostbeat (The Beats A Cappella Winter Showcase)
Join The Beats A Cappella for an exciting night of singing, dancing, and overall good...