Events Calendar
See what’s happening at UBC Okanagan.
Below is the Students’ Union event calendar that features activities for you to come out and enjoy. Be sure to keep checking back as new events are being added.
Upcoming Events
Magnetic Moments: WRC Magnet Crafting
Join us for Magnetic Moments, a creative drop-in event hosted by the Women's Resource Centre!...
Weekly Anime Showings
Every week, we will play some games and watch 3 episodes of anime! There will...
Design It Yourself: Batik-Inspired Tote Bags
Come along for a de-stressing evening before reading week and create your own batik-inspired tote...
Competitive Programming Workshops
Competitive programming sessions where students will practice questions and learn how to optimize their answers,...
Creative Writing Course Union Presents: Erin Steele Reading
Join us for an inspiring evening of storytelling. Four talented student writers will share their...
Game Jam 3.0 – Opening Ceremony
The CSCU Game Jam is an annual week-long competition where students come together in groups...
MSA Brothers’ Fifa Night
It's game night for MSA Brothers before the reading break so we can have some...
Beginner Pole Fitness
Beginner Pole class at Chrome Kittens Pole and Dance studio. all bodies, genders, and levels...