SUO General Elections

2025 Candidate List

Candidate Information Available

When the information is available, you will be able to click on the Candidate’s name for a photo and information about the particular candidate.

Candidate Debates
February 25th video recording
February 27th video recording
February 28th video recording – Part I and Part II

Please see the list of Candidates running in the General Election for the 2025-2026.

PositionCandidate Names
President Candidates (1 position)Javiera Leon;
Mahatav Arora;
Peter Idoko;
Saaim Imran;
Vice-President Campus Life Candidates (1 position)Adit Kulkarni;
Arnav Mishra;
Ashley Kyei-Badu;
Guransh Sandhu;
Sashank Patri;
Vice-President External Candidates (1 position)Aashish Tiwari;
Harsh Patel;
Kiki Akinlade;
Olivia Lai;
Vice-President Finance & Administration Candidates (1 position)Rajat Arora (uncontested);
Vice-President Internal Candidates (1 position)Aman Ullah Waseem;
Arjun Berry;
Shreya Patnaik;
Director-at-Large Candidates (4 positions)Aaditya Golash;
Asees Kaur;
Jessica Goel;
Naden Qually;
Saadia Awais;
Thanmay Gopal;
Uday Juneja;
Vaibhav Bhayana;
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Student Representative Candidates (1 position)Mallika Singh;
Quinlin Osadczuk;
Faculty of Health & Social Development Student Representative Candidate (1 position)Ali Wasti (uncontested);
College of Graduate Students Representative Candidate (1 position)VACANT
Faculty of Applied Science Student Representative Candidates (1 position)Likhitha Doddi;
Donald Onyewuchi-Ohiri;
Faculty of Management Student Representative Candidate (1 position)Tejas Bhatia (uncontested);
Faculty of Education Student Representative Candidates (1 position)VACANT
Faculty of Creative & Critical Studies Student Representative Candidate (1 position)VACANT
Faculty of Science Student Representative Candidate (1 position)Ahab Siddiqui;
Carissa Watts;
Shukan Shah;
Yasmine Trabelsi;

Candidates alphabetically, listed by role: