Referendum and Referenda

2023-2024 By-election Referendum Question

In the SUO 2023/2024 by-election, held in October 2023, UBC Okanagan students were asked to vote on the referendum question. The following question was brought forward to the Students’ Union by students with a signed petition of 10% of the student body, reviewed by the Chief Returning Officer, and approved by the Board of Directors.

“Student Recreation Building” levied fee referenda question (October 2023)

The question reads as follows:

Do you support the Student Union of UBC Okanagan (“SUO of UBC”) establishing a fee (“The Fee”) to be used to pay for one-third of the cost of a student recreation facility at UBC Okanagan (the “Building”), plus the amount of financing those costs? This cost will be $7,000,000. With borrowing costs included, the total cost to students for the Building is estimated to be $8,418,471. The Building will provide gymnasiums, physical recreation and studio space to the campus. Details of the amount, collection and payment of the Fee are as follows:

1. Beginning in the 2024/2025 academic year, students will pay $20.00 for each of Terms 1 and 2 of the Winter Session, for a total of $40.00 per academic year.

2. Beginning when the building is open, no earlier than the 2025/2026 academic year, students will pay an additional fee of $16.00 for each of Terms 1 and 2 of the Winter Session, for a total of $36.00 for each of Terms 1 and 2 of the Winter Session (for a total of $72.00 each Winter Session), and $9.00 for each of Terms 1 and 2 of the Summer Session (for a total of $18.00 each Summer Session). Students will pay this fee for approximately eight years (until 2033/2034) or until The Fee is paid in full.

Yes____ No_____

If approved:

o The fees are anticipated to occur between 2024/2025 and 2033/2034 academic years, and will be used to repay the amount borrowed from UBC, which will be equivalent to one third of the cost of the design, construction, furnishing, and outfitting with equipment of the Building.

o The same fees will pay the interest charges assessed by and payable to UBC during the period it is repaid. These fees will also pay for the administrative charges assessed by UBC for managing the collection and remittance of the Fee.

o These fees will continue to be levied until the SUO of UBC has repaid the loan and interest on the loan.

o The loan is anticipated to be paid by 2033/2034.

o It is anticipated that breaking ground will occur no sooner than fall 2024 and the project will be completed no sooner than fall 2025.

o The SUO of UBC Board of Directors will establish a process and criteria for active members demonstrating financial need to apply for a full or partial refund of the new student society fee.

SUO By-election and Referendum polling dates: October 11, 2023 at 8:00am until October 13, 2023 at 11:59pm.

Referendum Results
Votes were calculated on UBC WebVote using your UBC CWL.


Yes: 632

No: 258

Total: 890 (7.5% of voters)

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the SUO Chief Returning Officer,